The Poisoned patient in the ED
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During this lesson the candidate will :
- Gain an understanding of how supportive care and attention to airway, breathing and circulation is the cornerstone of managing poisoned patients
- Appreciate that decontamination has a specific role in managing poisoned cases
- Understand the concept of and importance of risk assessment in managing the poisoned patient
Poisoning is a relatively common reason for presentation to ED in Australia. The most common sub category is deliberate self poisoning with pharmaceuticals. Most patients can be managed with a combination of supportive care, risk assessment and in select cases the use of an antidote. When compared with prototypical ED patients with acute medical presentations, poisoned patients tend to be younger, have less co morbidities and in most cases do not represent any diagnostic dilemma as the reason for presentation is in many cases evident from the substances ingested. This lesson will explore some of these concepts.
- Listen to the introductory talk below
- Work through the introductory lesson resources
- Attempt the case scenario questions
A short talk outlining the principles of how to approach the poisoned patient in the ED.
Reading material to be reviewed prior to attempting scenario questions and some optional extra material.
During this lesson you will gain an understanding of :
- The mechanism of paracetamol toxicity
- Risk assessing paracetamol toxicity scenarios
- Treatment strategies for the varying paracetamol toxicity scenarios
Paracetamol is the most common toxin ingestion reported to poisons centres and managed in inpatient toxicology services within Australia. In addition to acute overdose there are a number of other situations where paracetamol can cause toxicity. The mortality rate is low when appropriate management is initiated promptly.
- Work through the Paracetamol lesson resources
- Attempt the case scenario questions